Empowered Life Sessions التطبيقات

Psychological Disorders 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaMental illnesses are disorders of brain function. They have manycauses and result from complex interactions between a persons genesand their environment.Personality disorders are mental health concerns, whichdrastically transform the way of a person life. There are severaltypes of personality disorders, and each has characteristicproblems with self-image and patterns of response to others and tostressful events.Psychological disorders may bring unexplained physical symptoms,irrational fears, and suicidal thoughts. In this application, welist out the common psychological disorders, their symptoms and howto deal with them. There are no accurate figures, but an estimated10% of the general population has some kind of personalitydisorder.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Parenting Tips 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLife sessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaParenting Tips. Being a parent or guardian is hard work. To helpyou raise happy, healthy kids, follow the tips in thisapplication.Good parenting tips...what`s that? I have learnt many things inmy life that have made me wiser but I was never really taught aboutthese good tips. We inspire co-operation, reduce family conflictsand sibling rivalry, and make your home a sanctuary with our freeCompassionate ParentParenting (or child rearing) is the process of promoting andsupporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectualdevelopment of a child from infancy to being adult.Parenting is one of the most interesting and rewardingexperiences of our life. So we need to spend considerable timepreparing to bring our children into the world. Indeed, raisingchildren today is arguably challenging than ever before. It istherefore justifiable on their part to be well versed with thelatest trends, gadgets and wares that one needs to be equipped withto be a 'good' parent. Besides fulfilling the primary requirementsthat child needs, which is, love, care, food, clothes and shelter agood parent will help the child to succeed in life.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Stress Management 1.2
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLife sessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaThis application contains tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress.When you're feeling anxious or stressed, these strategies will helpyou cope. We also cover Stress management techniques and how torecognize and reduce stress, solutions to make life more positiveand productive.Stress is the most common cause of ill health, probablyunderlying as many as 70% of all visits to family doctors. The goodnews is that you can learn ways to manage it. Becoming proficientin stress management is essential for developing self-security andthe ability to effectively deal with the pressures.Learn better ways to manage your time. You may get more donewith less stress if you make a schedule.Sample:1) Lie face down on the floor and begin breathing deeply andslowly, with your hands resting under your face. Do this for fiveminutes.3) Make a list of the important things you need to handle each day.Try to follow the list so you feel organized and on top of things.Put together a coping plan step by step so you have a sense ofmastery.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Health Tips 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLife sessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaThe best health tips that help you stay happy physically,mentally and emotionally. Health tips about the advantages ofleading a more active, healthier and happier lifestyle and thebenefits that they will get from living healthy. This applicationcontains diet tips and expert advice on lifestyle related commonailments, diseases.“Prevention is better than cure”, and prevention lies inincluding a few management tips in your health routine. Find theuseful health tips for good health, beauty tips, body fitnessguides, Yoga techniques, healthy recipes and workout tips.We are sharing with you simple and informative tips, for you tolearn about the problem you are fighting against or you might be ata risk.Sample:1) Nuts stashed into your handbag will ensure you have somethinghealthy to bite.2) Finer hair needs more proteins to plump hairThis application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Do you know 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLife sessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaDo you know what it feels like loving someone?That’s in a rush to throw you away?Do you think that you know a lot of people and celebrities? Howabout animals, plants and everything else on Earth?'Do You Know' is a must have application to learn GeneralKnowledge.This app contains fascinating facts and interesting storiesabout people, places and history, with top lists and trivia facts.Useless Facts That You Totally Need To Know.Cool and Weird facts about our everyday lives that everyoneshould know.Features:Add to favoritesText to speechShare with friendsYou've come to the right place! We post weird, interesting,amazing, animal facts and breaking news. I decided to gather my ownlist of interesting and baffling facts and serve them to you in anawesome list.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Meditation with Audio 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLifesessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaHow to Meditate. The goal of meditation is to focus andquietyour mind, eventually reaching a higher level of awarenessandinner calm. It redefines the self as a soul and enables adirectconnection and relationship with the Supreme Source ofpurestenergyMeditation is an effective form of stress reduction and hasthepotential to improve quality of life. Learn how to meditatewithfree meditation course. It is an approach to training themind,similar to the way that fitness is an approach to trainingthebody. Here is an introduction to the styles and benefitsLearn how to meditate with easy instructions,free-guidedmeditation audios. If we train in meditation, our mindwillgradually become more and more peaceful, and we will experienceapurer and purer form of happiness.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Interview Tips 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLifesessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaThe best job interview tips, techniques and advice to helpensurejob interview success including how to practice, how to getready,and what to bring to an interview. These interview tips willhelpyou cover everything you need to know to successfully ace ajobinterview.Sample:1) What questions should you ask in an interview? This shouldbefairly simple since now you are at the end of theinterviewprocess.2) Plan Ahead - Do a little homework! Research the company andtheposition if possible, as well, the people you will meet with attheinterview.Interview tips including how to answer interviewquestions,looking at your strengths, your CV and competency basedinterviewadvice.Your source for interview tips and strategies to help youfindemployment in today's competitive job market.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Motivate Yourself 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLifesessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaArticles and tips on motivation, inspiration, andfindinghappiness. Checklists, quotations and free ideas kit.Motivationhelps enable a person to surmount fear andprocrastination whilestimulating feelings of action andaccomplishment.Motivation is the psychological feature that arouses anorganismto action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, andsustainscertain goal-directed behaviours.This application contains Motivation advice for people whocan'tstand positive thinking. We show you the tools aimed atinspiringindividuals to plan their goals, reach their dreams, andbecomesuccessful. Everyone has different set of goals to achieve inlifeand hence the tips and tools for each individual aredifferent.This application will motivate you in achieving what matterstoyou as a person. I will never suggest ignoring others andbecomingselfish, but looking out for you first. You will notsurvive inthis world by being known as the most helpful person inyour circleof friends or colleagues. Your whole life is anopportunity; don’tgive off your chances to someone else.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Emotional Intelligence 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLifesessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaEmotional and social intelligence skills are the foundationofsuccess and we will help you to develop them in order tobuildbetter teams. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a way to measure howaperson recognizes emotions in himself or herself andothers.Emotional Intelligence is divided into the four clustersofSelf-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness andRelationshipManagementWhat is your emotional intelligence quotient (EQ)? Takethisquick quiz to discover how emotionally intelligent you reallyare.Emotional Quotient is the ability to sense, understandandeffectively apply the power and acumen of emotions tofacilitatehigh levels of collaboration.Emotional Quotient or EQ has an extremely critical role toplayin our lives, especially in succeeding as professionals. Intheworkplace, it influences how we relate to others and how wehandlerelationships. In this workshop, participants will exploretheconcept of EQ, learn their EQ, understand ways in whichtherecurrent EQ can be enhanced and hone their social andpersonalcompetencies.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Life Management Learnings 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLifesessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaSelf-management is a key skill that will help you throughoutyourlife. It involves setting goals and managing your time. If youwantto be learning time management skills for yourself, you haveto knowwhat it's all about. This application contains articles tohelp youin managing time, dealing with kids, handle work pressureand muchmore.Learning to manage stress successfully begins with ourwillingnessto take an honest look at ourselves. Learn better waysto manageyour time. You may get more done with less stress if youmake aschedule.Sample:1) For most of us our schedules are like: morning to eveningwego to work, we have lunch at lunch hours, we try to completetaskson time and then go back home, eat dinner made by ourmoms/wivesand then sleep. Did I sound too mechanical ? No growth,no fun,isn’t it ? What about the life and the details of everymomentwhich helps us to grow ? Over years of experience, I havecome toan outline of certain basic necessary areas that we all needtoapply everyday if we want to grow !2) Whole Universe is made up of 5 elements: Earth, Water, Fire,Airand Space. These elements maintain balance. Naturestrugglesconstantly to maintain balance. This is Law of Nature.Human bodyis also made of 5 elements: Earth element (Bones andMuscles),Water element (Blood), Air element (Breath), Fire element(Heat),Space element (Emptiness within). If any one element istaken out,body would collapse. There are various energies in thebody like,Bio-energy, magnetic energy, electrical energy,mechanical energy,chemical energy.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita
Teenage 1.0
Empowered Life Sessions
This application is developed by EmpoweredLifesessions.Credits: Dr. NiveditaTeenage is one of the most important phases of life.Teenagersalready have a lot on their plate. From schoolwork togrowingolder, to puberty and parents, teenagers have a lot ofstress intheir lives.This application contains advice for teenagers about how togetalong with parents and also how to connect with your teenthroughthe turbulent adolescent years.Teen-time is a phase when physical and psychologicalmodulationsare underway at a very rapid pace. Teenagers require ahealthy,balanced diet.Are you a teenager? And you really want to know what ishelpfulregarding your behavior in the family and society? Read thetipsgiven in this application to solve your problems in yourown.This application is developed by Empowered Life sessions.Website at www.empoweredlifessions.comBlog: www.empoweredlifesessions.com/blogCredits: Dr. Nivedita